ICD-10 Preparation Checklist

ICD-10 Preparation Checklist

Although the implementation date for ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS (jointly referred to as "ICD-10" throughout the rest of this document) has been postponed to October 21, 2014, it is not too early to begin planning for the transition, and even putting some of those plans in motion. A well-planned, well-managed implementation process will increase the chances of a smooth, successful transition. Experience in other countries has shown that early preparation is the key to success. The best way to manage the challenges inherent in making a transition of this magnitude is to tackle them in a phased approach. We hope you have already started your compliance activities. We present this checklist to you again as a reminder to continue with those activities.

Some of the preparation activities necessary for implementation provide benefits to the organization even before ICD-10 is implemented, such as medical record documentation improvement strategies and efforts to expand coding staff knowledge and skills. Also, an early start allows for resource allocation, such as costs for systems changes and education as well as staff time devoted to implementation processes, to be spread over several years. Thus, many of the costs can be absorbed by existing annual budgets rather than requiring a large budgetary investment at one time.

The following checklist and proposed phased approach to implementation were prepared to guide healthcare organizations in planning and managing the transition toward ICD-10.

This checklist is "scalable" and can be used for all sizes of organizations. Please contact an HCP representative for a copy of the ICD-10 Preparation Checklist.