Sentinel Events
Course Details:
- Category: Facility Management
- Duration: 30 minutes
- Target Audience: All Employees
Course Overview: A sentinel event as defined by the Joint
Commission is, "an unexpected occurrence involving death or serious
physical or psychological injury, or the risk thereof." It is important to
realize that not all sentinel events stem from an error, and not all errors are
sentinel events. To minimize sentinel events it is important for healthcare
professionals to be trained to understand the many causes and contributing
Training Includes:
- Defining Sentinel Events
- Patient Safety Event
- Adverse Event
- Sentinel Event
- Close Call or "Near Miss"
- Hazardous Conditions
- Contributing Factors
- Four Goals of a Sentinel Event Policy
- Reporting Sentinel Events
- Guiding Principles of Patient Safety Systems
- Proactive Approaches
- Assessing Risks
- Corrective Action Plans