OSHA Compliance Basics Training
Course Details:
- Category: OSHA Compliance
- Duration: 2 hours
- Target Audience: All Employees
Course Overview: Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA) requires initial and annual training for all employees on
all standards according to their job-related duties. Under the Occupational
Safety and Health Act of 1970, OSHA is authorized to conduct workplace
inspections and investigations to determine whether employers are complying
with standards issued by the agency for safe and healthful workplaces. This
training course covers general safety, bloodborne pathogens, hazard
communications standards, regulated waste management, and how to be prepared
for an OSHA walkthrough.
Training Includes:
- OSHA Training Requirements
- OHA Compliance Officer Duties
- General Safety Compliance
- "It's the Law" Poster
- Natural Disasters
- General Emergency Evacuation Plan
- Fire Safety Plan
- Fire-Resistant Materials
- Fire Extinguishers Use and Inspection
- Clothing Fire
- Building Safety Plan
- Electrical Safety
- Medical Emergencies and First Aid
- Chemical Exposure and Eye Wash Stations
- Record Keeping
- Employee Rights to Medical Records
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Latex Sensitivities and Allergies
- Workplace Injuries and Violence
- Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Training
- Minimum PPE Use
- Hepatitis Virus' and Vaccinations
- Recording and Reporting Occupational Injuries and Illness
- Universal Precautions
- Work Practice and Engineering Controls
- Sharps Containers and Sharps Injury Log
- Needle Safety
- Emergency Procedures and Contingency Plans
- Housekeeping, Disinfection and Sterilization Procedures
- Handling and Transporting Infected Equipment
- Biohazard Labels and Signs
- Exposure Incidents Steps
- Hazard Communication Policy
- Global Harmonized System (GHS), Pictogram, and Labels
- Hazard Risk Assessment, Classes, and Categories
- Hazardous Chemicals and Drugs
- Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
- Regulated Waste Plan
- Handling Medical Waste, Labeling, Storage, and Transportation
- Chemical and Hazardous Drug Spills
- Blood or Body Fluid Spills
- Merry Cleanup and Disposal