a man standing on a hill

Preventing Human Trafficking: A Call to Action for Healthcare Professionals

Am I my brother's keeper?

Human trafficking is a grave global crime that affects millions of individuals each year, exploiting them through force, fraud, or coercion for various purposes. This heinous act violates human rights and presents significant challenges to healthcare systems worldwide. HCP wants to emphasize the importance of raising awareness, prevention, and effective response within the healthcare sector to combat human trafficking.

Human Trafficking Defined

A pile of breaks
The "Blood Bricks Campaign" (launched in 2014) operates within India seeking to end the use of debt bondage and child labor in the Indian brick kiln industry.

The U.S. Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) defines "severe forms of trafficking in persons" as either:

  • the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services through the use of force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery.
  • sex trafficking in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion or in which the person subjugated to perform such an act is under 18 years of age.

This definition applies to the crime regardless if the victim is physically transported between locations.

Health Professionals Preventing Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is a complex issue that demands a comprehensive understanding. Since health professionals frequently interact with vulnerable populations, the exposure places them in a pivotal position to identify potential victims and initiate necessary interventions. It is crucial for healthcare professionals to recognize signs and indicators of trafficking, including but not limited to:

  • physical abuse
  • restricted movement
  • coercion
  • psychological trauma
  • and unusual behavior patterns.

Healthcare compliance programs are essential for ensuring ethical and legal practices within organizations. To effectively address human trafficking, healthcare compliance programs should include specific measures. Our compliance experts can help your organization with the following aspects:

A man staring at a sunset
A young man stands alone outside. Research from the State Dept. indicates that men and boys are less likely to self-identify as victims of human trafficking due to stigma risks. Meanwhile, male victims who seek help will encounter a significant lack of resources.

1. Staff Training and Education:

Healthcare providers should provide comprehensive training to equip staff members with the knowledge and skills to identify and respond to potential human trafficking cases. This includes recognizing signs of trafficking, understanding reporting protocols, and maintaining victim confidentiality. Healthcare offers thorough training to ensure that your staff is well-equipped to identify and respond to human trafficking in your facility.

2. Screening and Assessment:

We can help implement standardized screening protocols within healthcare settings that can help identify individuals at risk of human trafficking. This may involve targeted questions during intake assessments or the use of validated screening tools. Establishing proper documentation and follow-up procedures ensures consistent and accurate reporting.

3. Victim-Centered Care:

Providing trauma-informed and victim-centered care is essential when supporting survivors of human trafficking. Healthcare providers should prioritize the physical and psychological well-being of victims, ensuring their safety, privacy, and dignity throughout the care process. Collaborating with specialized support services facilitates comprehensive and holistic care for survivors.

4. Policy Development and Compliance Monitoring:

Healthcare organizations can seek the assistance of HCP's compliance experts to develop clear policies and procedures addressing human trafficking, emphasizing a zero-tolerance approach. Compliance monitoring and regular audits help identify gaps, evaluate the effectiveness of existing protocols, and drive continuous improvement.

From Recognition to Recovery: The Unified Front Against Trafficking

Human trafficking is a severe violation of human rights and a significant public health concern. Healthcare professionals have a unique opportunity to identify, support, and advocate for victims of trafficking.

By integrating human trafficking awareness and response strategies into healthcare compliance programs, organizations can play a vital role in combatting this crime and promoting a safer and more just society.

HCP wants you to remember it is through collective efforts, ongoing education, and vigilant action that we can make a difference in the lives of those affected by human trafficking.

For further information, you might want to read the "2023 Trafficking in Persons Report" by the U.S. State Department's Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons.