Website Update: OSHA PPE being replaced by OSHA Hazard Risk Assessment

Website Update: OSHA PPE being replaced by OSHA Hazard Risk Assessment

The OSHA PPE tool will no longer be available on our website after April 1, 2015. If you have used the OSHA PPE tool in the past, you may want to move your information over to the new OSHA Hazard Risk Assessment tool.

HCP now offers an OSHA Hazard Risk Assessment (HRA) for our clients. This risk assessment is available on your Office Dashboard under the Tools & Assessments section. The HRA is an evaluation of your workplace that helps you determine what hazards your employees are exposed to and what Personal Protective Equipment they need to wear to protect themselves.

The HCP Hazard Risk Assessment allows you to document the Personal Protective Equipment that is used for a variety of situations including procedures, instruments, equipment, chemicals, gasses and vapors. The HRA also allows you to put notes for each particular situation in your practice. These personalized notes may consist of a variety of items including instructions on using PPE, a to do list for upgrading your policies on PPE for certain procedures etc. The HRA is printable and downloadable.

In the past, you had a basic tool called OSHA PPE on your HCP Office Dashboard. The OSHA PPE tool will no longer be available on our website after April 1, 2015. If you have used the OSHA PPE form in the past, you may want to move your information over to the new OSHA Hazard Risk Assessment tool. If you have any questions about this process please contact HCP at 855.427.0427.