Facility Management Series
The Practical Healthcare Guidelines Training Courses

Antibiotic Resistance Awareness
Course Details:
Duration: 30 Minutes
Target Audience: All Employees
Course Overview: Antibiotic resistance, from the misuse of antibiotic treatments, is one of the biggest ongoing threats to public health that we are facing today. It is important to have training for all healthcare professionals to have a better understanding and proficiency in proper antibiotic use. This training includes the identified resistant bacteria threats determined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and how to detect, respond, and prevent antibiotic-resistant healthcare-associated infections.

Emergency Evacuations
Course Details:
Duration: 30 Minutes
Target Audience: All Employees; Administrators
Course Overview: How quickly and effectively could your facility evacuate in an emergency? All facilities must plan, prepare, and have practice drills to be ready in the event of an emergency. This training provides a guide on how to develop and implement an emergency evacuation plan. Including, potential causes for an evacuation, Joint Commission regulations, evacuation plans, safety and security procedures, patient triage operations, continuity of essential services, and more!

Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)
Course Details:
Duration: 30 Minutes
Target Audience: All Employees
Course Overview: The Emergency Medical Treatment & Active Labor Act (EMTALA) is a federal law that regulates how hospitals treat patients with an emergency medical condition or women who are in active labor without consideration of insurance coverage or ability to pay. Included in this training is what EMTALA requires hospitals and healthcare professionals to do under the law.

Medication Administration & Errors
Course Details:
Duration: 45 Minutes
Target Audience: All Employees; Clinical Employees
Course Overview: All healthcare providers and employees who have the responsibility of prescribing and administering medications to patients must know how to prevent medication errors. This training includes information to minimize medication errors from the Centers for Disease and Control (CDC), Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP), Safe Injections Practices Coalition (SIPC), World Health Organization (WHO), and National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI).

Fall Prevention
Course Details:
Duration: 45 Minutes
Target Audience: All Employees
Course Overview: Patient falls in a healthcare facility happen daily. All healthcare personnel needs to be trained on how to prevent falls and know what to do when a fall does happen. This training covers the successful components of a Falls Prevention Program for healthcare facilities, including the Joint Commission's Targeted Solutions Tool, the STEADI program from the Centers for Disease and Control (CDC), and universal precautions.

General Surgery Patient Instructions
Course Details:
Duration: 30 Minutes
Target Audience: Surgical centers or hospitals that need to prepare patients for surgery
Course Overview: Surgery for patients can be a scary and confusing experience. This training will aid in giving patients proper instructions to help them through the surgery experience. Including scheduling the surgery, medications, pre- and post-op instructions, discharge instructions, and more.

Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goals (2019)
Course Details:
Duration: 30 Minutes
Target Audience: Any healthcare providers that are reviewed by the Joint Commission
Course Overview: The National Patient Safety Goals (NPSGs) are a critical method by which The Joint Commission promotes and enforces major changes in patient safety. The Joint Commission regularly revises the NPSGs based on their impact, cost, and effectiveness in order to ensure health care facilities, focus on preventing major sources of patient harm. From this data, Safety Goals from 2019 have been determined, including goals for accurate patient identifications, safe use of medications, reducing the risks of healthcare-associated infections, and more!

Safe Patient Handling, Transferring, & Transportation
Course Details:
Duration: 30 Minutes
Target Audience: All Employees
Course Overview: The high physical demands associated with handling, transferring, and moving patients is a large contributing factor to the high rates of musculoskeletal disorders among practicing nurses. Nurses and other healthcare professionals must know Safe Patient Handling techniques to use when handling and moving patients, to minimize injury risks to both themselves and their patients.

Sentinel Events
Course Details:
Duration: 30 Minutes
Target Audience: All Employees
Course Overview: A sentinel event as defined by the Joint Commission is, "an unexpected occurrence involving death or serious physical or psychological injury, or the risk thereof." It is important to realize that not all sentinel events stem from an error, and not all errors are sentinel events. To minimize sentinel events it is important for healthcare professionals to be trained to understand the many causes and contributing factors.
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