OSHA Administration & Management Course
Course Details:
- Category: OSHA Compliance
- Duration: 45 minutes
- Target Audience: Administrators and Management
Course Overview: Under OSHA guidelines. Employers are
required to supply their organizations with the policies and procedures needed
to ensure the general safety of all employees. The OSHA Compliance Officer must
designate which employees dependent upon their job descriptions must receive
training on the following OSHA Standards: General Safety, Bloodborne Pathogens Exposures,
Hazard Communication, and Biohazardous Waste Management Training.
Training Includes:
- OSHA Requirements for Employers
- OSHA Compliance Duties
- Fire Safety Plan
- Fire Prevention Plan
- Emergency Evacuation Plan
- Emergency Action Plan
- Biomedical Waste Plan
- Hazard Communication Plan
- Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Control Plan
- Recordkeeping and Reporting
- Sharps Safety and Sharps Injury Log
- Access to Medical Records
- Violence in Healthcare
- Code of Conduct
- Recognizing Risk Factors and Precautions
- Handling Unique Hazards
- Most Cited Healthcare Violations
Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Training: Provided during work
hours and at no cost to our employees, this training is conducted within 10
days of the employee hire date. In the event, employees are given new tasks, or
existing tasks are modified, additional and appropriate training is conducted.
This training is conducted at least annually thereafter.
Hazard Communication Training: If our employees are required
to perform non-routine tasks that involve hazardous chemicals, a special
training session is conducted to provide them with specific information.
- Our training includes all the up-to-date information under the Globally Harmonized System.
- Training takes place prior to the assignment of any task that could result in exposure to any chemical hazard and will be conducted annually thereafter.
Biohazardous Waste Management Training: All our medical
employees receive training on Biohazardous Waste within 10 days of hire and to
any employee prior to assignment to any task that requires the handling of
biomedical waste and OPIM.
- Training is conducted at least annually and is required of all employees who handle the biomedical waste.
- Training covers proper protection and the handling, storing, and disposing of Biohazardous Waste.